Since there’s already a brief self-intro on the homepage, I’m assuming that anyone who clicks here wants to know more.
About the Site
My personal blog, inspired by friends who believe I’m too mysterious.
Contains my notes about technologies or courses (50%) and my thoughts (50%). I’d like it to be more than a mere professional portfolio.
About Me (in life)
Currently a Computer Science grad student | Former Linguistics major
This is what I’ve been longing to do after high school, and there have been a few twists and turns. I do have a great passion for what I’m onto right now and feel really fortunate about my choices.
Mandarin (native) > English > Japanese (JLPT N1) > Shanghainese > French (kindergarten level)
It was partly my interest in learning natural languages that led me to pursue a language major and to specialize in computational linguistics.
It only occurred to me later that 1) language majors do not simply learn languages, 2) what attracts me more are things beyond the symbols, and 3) the coding part is so much fun
- i read mostly nonfictions in recent years (psychology, philosophy, sociology, economics)
- jpop, jrock, math rock, midwest emo,
Fun facts
- was an amateur illustrator
- was an amateur vocaloid producer and did a few covers
- plays acoustic & electric gt, can play a few riffs and simple solos
- started everything above because of n-buna, a vocaloid p I’ve been a fan of for 8 years
- is a keen reader of personality psychology/psycho-analysis
- watch anime everyday, literally
- Aspire to be a lifelong learner
Last updated: 2024