A summary of what i learned in CS61C (fa20).
My course repo on GitHub: github/cs61c
Summary of the Course
Centered on several great ideas in computer architecture. Specifically,
The first half of the course teaches what’s called “the old school machine structures”.
High level language program - C [lec3-6]
Assembly language program - RISC-V [lec7-13]
Machine Language - still RISC-V, but without pseudo instructions [lec7-13]
Hardware architecture description - block diagrams, datapaths, cache, pipelining, virtual mem, etc. [lec17-27]
Logic circuit description [lec14-16]
Basically, that’s everything from the top – the programmer-friendly high level language C–, to the bottom arch – circuits, logic gates, and transistors–.
In terms of actual sequence, it’s like top -> middle, then bottom -> middle, and finally the two lines meet at around project3 (DIY a CPU datapath).
The second half teaches the new-school structures, which include more recent ideas of parallelism / high performance programming that companies hardware improvements.
data-level parallelism - SIMD [lec32], MapReduce, Spark, etc. [lec36]
thread-level parallelism - threads, cache coherency, OpenMP, etc. [lec33-35]
dependability [lec38]
Summary of the Labs
Not including ones I didn’t manage to set up.
- Lab1 Number Rep, C and CGDB: familiarize you with c and debugging tools
- Lab2 Advanced C: bit manipulations, memory allocation, and pointers in C
- Lab3 RISCV Assembly: ask u to figure out how simple C programs work on a lower level and write RISC-V assembly code
- Lab4 RISCV Functions, Pointers: still RISC-V practices, asking you to modify code to make the program work
- Lab5 Logisim: ~ build logic gates and practise with combinational logic
- Lab7 Caches: back to RISC-V, implement and optimize matrix-related functions to understand how cache works. This lab is valuable as it touches on one way to squeeze out performance.
- Lab8 OS, I/O, DMA, Disks, Networking & Virtual Memory: ~ play with a virtual memory simulator to understand how it works
- Lab9 SIMD Instructions: ~ work on single instruction multiple data (SIMD) – write C functions and improve their performance with x86 intrinsics. It’s like inserting assembly code into C code. (Note that ARM users unfortunately would have to use ARM NEON intrin to be able to compile the programs.)
- Lab10 Thread Level Parallelism: have you experience parallel programing with C + OpenMP. Ask you to apply parallelism to the implementation of sum vector and dot product C funcs.
Planned to complete the course within 30 study days, and achieved the goal!
- 【0611】setup, lab00
- 【0615】lec1&2
- 【0616】lec3
- 【0617】lec4
- 【0625】lec5, lab01
- 【0626】lec6
- 【0627】proj1A
- 【0702/03】proj1 Fin
- 【0704】K&Rch1-2
- 【0705】lec7+8.1, lab2
- 【0706】disc2
- 【0715】lec8-10
- 【0716】lab3
- 【0719】disc3, disc4
- 【0724】proj2 partA 50%
- 【0725】proj2 partA fin
- 【0801】lec11-13
- 【0802】disc5, lab4, lec14-15
- 【0803】lecs16+SDS State Logic handouts, lec17
- 【0804】lab5, lec 18-19
- 【0805】lec20-27 (fin CPU Pipelining Caches), disc6-8
- 【0806】disc9, lab7, lec28-2931 (fin OS VMi)
- 【0807】lec30-31(VMii I/O), disc10, lab8, disc11
- 【0808】lec32-35 (SIMD/MIMD, Parallelism), lec36-38 (MapReduce, WSC, RAID)
- 【0809】disc12, lab9, lab10, disc13-14
- 【skipped due to compatibility probs】proj4, proj3, lab6, lab11
should’ve been preparing for the incoming semester, projects and stuff but couldn’t resist the temptation of learning how computer works :>